Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blog Undefined

The blog. Prone to extreme and incoherent ideas and after years of bugging my friends incessantly with my senseless rantings, it's high time I take it to the next level : The Internet. I wanted to define myself in the digital world and what better way to do that that than in a blog? Copies of my digital thoughts stored on countless Google server farms all around the world. Great. Who wants immortality then?
The title. It's a reference to Philip K Dicks classic sci-fi novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" which was adapted into arguably one of the best sci-fi movies ever - "Blade Runner". Yes me geek :)
Me. I study computer applications at Amrita University, Amritapuri campus. So it goes without saying that my blog will be filled with a lot of computer science stuff. But that won't be the only thing I will be talking about. My interests span almost all spheres of human activity. Hmm .... well ... cricket is an exception though, which must be a rarity among Indians :). Can't seem to have anything in mind right now. You know, it's a zen thing. Well it's a brief goodbye I guess, until I come out of my satori.